5 Myths About Shikara Rides You Should Ignore

Shikara rides on Dal Lake in Srinagar are the most memorable part of the Kashmir experience, but there are several misconceptions surrounding this experience. Let’s debunk these myths and reveal the true charm of shikara rides.
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Myth 1: Shikara Rides Are Only for Tourists

Reality: While shikara rides are a major tourist attraction, locals also enjoy them. Many residents of Srinagar take evening rides on the lake, making it a shared cultural experience. These boats are also used as local transport, particularly for residents living near Dal Lake.
Also check: Best time for Shikara ride

a group of colorful boats floating on top of a river - 5 Myths About Shikara Rides You should Ignore

Myth 2: Shikara Rides Are Always Expensive

Reality: Many believe that Shikara rides come with a hefty price tag, but this is not always the case. The cost of a Shikara ride can vary based on factors like the season, duration, and negotiation. Off-season rides or shorter durations often come at a lower cost. It is advisable to book Shikara ride online to avoid misunderstandings and ensure you get a fair deal.

Myth 3: You Can Only Experience Shikara Rides in Dal Lake

Reality: While Dal Lake is the most famous location for Shikara rides, it is not the only place where you can enjoy this experience. Other beautiful lakes in Kashmir, such as Nigeen Lake, Manasbal Lake(Deepest lake in India) and Wular Lake(Asia’s Fresh water Lake), also offer Shikara rides. Exploring these lesser-known spots can provide a unique perspective and a more tranquil experience away from the crowds.
Also check: Top places to visit on a shikara ride

Myth 4: Shikara Rides Are Unsafe

Reality: Safety concerns are often raised, but Shikara rides are generally safe when undertaken with reputable operators. The shikaras are designed to be stable and are managed by experienced local boatmen. To ensure a safe ride, choose operators with good reviews Like Travel My Kashmir, and follow basic safety precautions.

Two boys while enjoying the shikara ride in dal lake srinagar

Myth 5: Shikara Rides Are Only Enjoyable in Summer

Reality: You can enjoy shikara ride in any season. While summer is a popular time for shikara rides due to the pleasant weather, the rides can be equally enjoyable in other seasons. These are the some of the 5 Myths About Shikara Rides You should Ignore.

Shikara rides in Dal Lake offer a unique and unforgettable experience. By ignoring these common myths, you can make the most of your time on the lake and enjoy a truly memorable adventure. Book Now!