Get all details including Jammu to Srinagar distance,Jammu to Srinagar distance by road,Srinagar to Jammu by road distance and time, Srinagar to Amarnath distance by road
Jammu to Srinagar distance
Srinagar to Jammu distance
Jammu tawi to Srinagar distance
distance between Jammu to Srinagar
Kashmir travel brochure
road distance from Jammu to Srinagar
Srinagar to Amarnath distance by road
Jammu to Srinagar distance by bus
The Jammu to Srinagar distance by road is around 270kms . The journey takes around 7-8 hours to reach Srinagar.
The Srinagar to Jammu by road distance and time is 266 kms and takes around 7-9 hours to reach Jammu city.
The Jammu to Srinagar distance by bus is around 270 kms. The cost of Jammu to srinagar bus fare starting from Rs 650 and takes around 10-11 hours.
The Amarnath Yatra has two routes: one from Pahalgam and another from Sonamarg. The distance for the Pahalgam-Chandanwari route is 117 km, while the Sonamarg route covers a distance of 112 km.
Check the weather conditions before traveling especially if you are going to Kashmir by road , as the road passes through sliding prone areas.