Places to visit in Pahalgam Things to do in Pahalgam How to reach Pahalgam. Hotels in Pahalgam
Aru valley Pahalgam
Betaab valley Pahalgam
Chandanwari Pahalgam
Baisaran valley Pahalgam
Denow Valley Pahalgam
The srinagar to Pahalgam distance is around 90km . You can hire a cab from srinagar to reach Pahalgam. For taxi booking click below.
Some of the most famous places to see in Pahalgam including Baisaran valley, Aru valley, Betaab valley, Chandanwari valley, Denow valley, Shikargah, Kashmir valley.
In Pahalgam you can choose from a variety of hotels in Pahalgam. These include 3-star hotels in Pahalgam, 4-star hotels in Pahalgam, and 5-star Hotels in Pahalgam.
Here are some best pahalgam hotels : Radisson pahalgam, Hotel mount view pahalgam, Green orchid pahalgam, Eden resort and spa pahalgam, welcome hotel pahalgam,
During summer months the weather in Pahagam ramains pleasant with the temperature ranges from 17-28 degree celcius.
The months from April- October is the best time to visit Pahalgam. For online Pahalgam hotel booking you can contact us 24x7.
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