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FAQ's about Gulmarg gondola

 Here you will get answers to all questions related to gulmarg Gondola

Name for Cable car Ride in famous Ski Destination of Gulmarg

What is gondola ?

Phase-1 is Cable Car ride upto half mountain known as Kongdoori hills , Phase-2 is upto full mountain peak called Mount Afarwat

What is Phase 1 and 2 ?

Where Phase-1 drops , you board there for Phase-2, just like a connecting flight

Where is Phase-2

Time-frames for keeping rush under-control Phase 1 : 3300 passes each day , divided into 3 slots of 1100 persons | 9am to 11 , 11 to 1pm and 1 to 3. Phase 2 : 1100 passes | One slot 9 to 3

What are slots ?

Required for booking ?

•Names as per ID

Govt site with minimalistic support or Private “Travel My Kashmir” with 24/7 customer support | both links in description

How do we get tickets ?

With Govt website INR 810 for Phase -1 and 1010 for Phase-2 per person and if purchased from “TMK” additional service charges are applicable.

Cost of tickets

Yes, if you want to enjoy both Phases you need both tickets.

Are Phase-1 and phase 2 to be purchased seprately

Phase-2 , it is a marvel of french engineering.

What is better phase-1 or Phase 2?

Phase-1 : 1.5kms , Phase 2 : 2.5 Kms

How much distance is covered

Phsae-1 is normal however Phase-1 is approx 8000 mts from sea level

Height ?

Around 1Kms walk from Gulmarg main parking

Distance from Parking

Phase -1 Rs 200 and Phase-2 Rs 250. Prior 48 hours, No cancellation in last 48 hours. Per ticket and charged seperately on all.

Cancelation policy

In Phase-2 all the times of the year, and in Phase-1 only in winters (Nov to March)

Do we find snow at both phases?

If management stops it you get full refund

What if its stopped?

Its considered No-Show, you do not get refund.

What if I am unable to reach?

Any decision taken by managemnt is for safety and precautions , you get refund for any of these circumstances

It was snowing and Phase-2 was stopped , what about refund

No , you can not

Can I change the date ?

Either the tickets are fully sold out on your dates or not yet open

Unable to book?

– Huge demand – People waiting from long time – Many Big and small companies have this as package inclusion and they book it immediately as it becomes available

Why Sold out?

As soon as it becomes available in order not to miss the most important activity.

When to book ?

What if my dates are not open yet ?

There are 2 options – Keep checking Govt website every 15-30 minutes as they open anytime for next 15 days only. – Pre-Book with Travel My Kashmir for automatic tickets whenever the slot open. Link in description.

From Govt site you can book either upto 15th or 30th of the current month , whichever is nearer. With TMK website you can book upto next 2 months ahead.

What is this 15 days booking window?

You have to board in the given time frame, return is upto you , Gondola runs continuously up and down.

Is the slot time imoprtant?

Nothing you can do , if its sold out

What if its sold out already on my dates?

Can I get it here in Gulamrg?

No , You can not, Its online only

Is there any counter

No counter tickets. Online only

NO ,there is no other way

Is there any other way

You need a better pro-active travel agency , you have been given a lolipop.

My Travel Agency could not do it, but they are trying to do

No , if its sold out there is no way

Can TMK provide at extra cost?

Can TMK provide at extra cost?

No , if its sold out there is no way

Is it always sold out

Its as per rush , but yes most of the tourists intending keep this sorted

Can we copy paste the ticket

No, its QR based scannable ticket , verified with ID on boarding.